writeup of my vacation


Things to do.


  • Brain-related knowledge and tools. – eeglab / python-mne


Python-mne offical documentation

中文学习资料 知乎收集。

Pybrain 2020: M/EEG analysis with MNE-Python(newest!) with video and jupyter notebook! awesome.

eeglab 和 python mne 均是在脑电处理领域较为广泛使用的包,功能丰富,拓展性强。因为自身对于python的熟悉度,便开始试图掌握此工具,为未来的研究做好准备。

MNE - MEG + EEG ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION is a Open-source Python package for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing human neurophysiological data: MEG, EEG, sEEG, ECoG, NIRS, and more.

A simple example of time-frequency analysis in mne


import os
import numpy as np
import mne
frequencies = np.arange(7, 30, 3)
power = mne.time_frequency.tfr_morlet(aud_epochs, n_cycles=2, return_itc=False,
                                      freqs=frequencies, decim=3)
power.plot(['MEG 1332'])


  • Machine learning - related tools and knowledge – tensorflow & keras (hard!! as hell) – pytroch


Pytorch Deep learning the greatest course from NYU, with detailed video explaination, slide, and code example.

Pytorch-tabular quickly hands on, cause many datas in our research are just sheets.

Fastai pytorch-based lib for deep learning, easy to use and replicate.



深度学习框架的主流使用 包含 Keras/tensorflow-backend 和pytorch,其中 torch的使用较为便捷,只需要对应的CUDA版本安装即可。tensorflow的研究历史较长,大量的更新迭代后,多种公式,调用都有变化,复现前人的代码常常容易出现bug

bug1 “Could not interpret optimizer identifier” error in Keras

原因是模型(model)和层(layers)使用tensorflow.python.keras(或者tensorflow.keras) API,优化器optimizer(SGD, Adam等)使用keras.optimizers,或者反之。


调用过程中 需要使用完全一致的包环境

from tensorflow.keras import optimizers
from keras import optimizers
# 不同的调用需要统一

model.complie('') # 此时可以使用名称 而非调用。
model.complie(optimizers = 'Adam')# etc

bug2 “tensorflow很容易出现内存不足的bug”

  • 解决方法 限制内存和内存动态使用都需要tf的1版本才行,使用如下公式可解决
import tensorflow as tf
config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto()
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config)

bug3 CUDA/cuDnn 在3060下的配置

  1. tensorflow 2.6.0
  2. CUDA 11.1
  3. CuDnn 8.05

保证三者完美兼容才可运行程序。 ! 其他可能的原因 maybe 遇到

  1. You have cache issues I regularly work around this error by shutting down my python process, removing the ~/.nv directory (on linux, rm -rf ~/.nv), and restarting the Python process. I don’t exactly know why this works. It’s probably at least partly related to the second option:

  2. You’re out of memory The error can also show up if you run out of graphics card RAM. With an nvidia GPU you can check graphics card memory usage with nvidia-smi. This will give you a readout of how much GPU RAM you have in use (something like 6025MiB / 6086MiB if you’re almost at the limit) as well as a list of what processes are using GPU RAM.

reducing your batch size using a simpler model using less data limit TensorFlow GPU memory fraction: For example, the following will make sure TensorFlow uses <= 90% of your RAM:

import keras import tensorflow as tf

# 配合版本
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.compat.v1.keras.backend import set_session
config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True  # dynamically grow the memory used on the GPU
config.log_device_placement = True  # to log device placement (on which device the operation ran)
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config)
  1. You have incompatible versions of CUDA, TensorFlow, NVIDIA drivers, etc. If you’ve never had similar models working, you’re not running out of VRAM and your cache is clean, I’d go back and set up CUDA + TensorFlow using the best available installation guide - I have had the most success with following the instructions at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu rather than those on the NVIDIA / CUDA site. Lambda Stack is also a good way to go.


os.environ['TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH'] = 'true'

!TODO tensorflow 和 pytorch 的代码互相转换。 :+1: :rocket:



TODO -> Tone-related experiment by using Deep learning.

Experiment One:

Mandarin tone classfication by using CNN, similar to ToneNet - interspeech2019

Experment Two :

Re-implimentation of FastPitchFormant -interspeech2021 FastPitchFormant: Source-filter based Decomposed Modeling for Speech Synthesis

Synthesized speech with a large pitch-shift scale suffers from audio quality degradation, and speaker characteristics deformation.

语音合成中,合成的语音往往存在较大的pitch-shift,从而导致音质的下降和话者信息的变现。作者提出了一种feed-forward Transformer based TTS model的方法,用来生成鲁棒且准确的音高韵律特征,提升语音合成的自然度。

To be countinued…. See in next post.